Gebr. Maas & Son was created when brothers Wim & Cor Maas were 13 and 11 years old. First at their parental home under the name Gebr. Maas. Wim then started at the age of 19 as a trader in the sale of garden plants. As time went on, new lofts were placed at the new location (and still the current one) and participation in the sprint, middle distance and one-day long distance flights were participated in.

Because Wim follows the pigeon sport on the weekends because of the busy work at the business, Cor is the caretaker of the pigeons, as Cor puts it:: I have been able to turn my hobby into a profession at a young age which is a dream! The Gebr. Maas team won many victories and championships in the sprint, middle distance and one day long distance races in the department and the ZNB.

Subsequently Jacko (the son of Cor) was also infected with the pigeon virus and started a loft of pigeons in his own name. Soon Jacko was able to get along with the best fanciers and became champion for three years in a row with the youth in the then Midden-Brabant department. Gradually there was also participation in the extreme long distance flights.

In 1990 Gebr. Maas won 5e National Tarbes.

They could have been 1st but the pigeon remained outside for 20 minutes.

Partly due to this performance and the fact that they had won everything that could be won in the sprint, middle distance and one day long distance, they switched over to the extreme long distance and the pigeons for the shorter work were sold. In the meantime Jacko had outgrown the youth and joined the combination and they continued under the name Gebr. Maas & Zn.

In 1999 their 1st National victory was from Bordeaux with the hen Janske! They of course would taste more!
The big hit came in 2001! Gebr. Maas & Son. won the memorable flight from National Pau!

To date, the toughest Pau of all time with 750 mpm. Their Armstrong won the 1st National with very hot weather and a strong Northeast wind. A flight that goes into the history books as a murderous heavy flight and this is still being discussed! Armstrong, a super pigeon who is still intertwined in the pigeon stock of the Gebr. Maas & Son.

In 2006, the 3rd National victory followed, from National Perpignan (hens).

Their hen Corrie was a class pigeon that already had many top prizes to its name. This Perpignan also entered the books as a very tough flight! After all, it is known that the Maas pigeons feel best in tough weather! In the meantime, many top prizes and championships followed each other.

In 2009 the 4th National victory followed on the Mont de Marsan flight!

Again with warm weather and headwind! It was their hen Pia who won this victory!

In 2012 the 5th National victory was achieved from National Narbonne (hens).

Their hen Voske Narbonne took care of this! 5 National victories is not given to everyone and one can safely speak of a unique achievement!
And we are not talking about the many top prizes and championships that have been achieved over the years. After Wim unfortunately died in the fall of 2015, the combination continued in the form of Cor and son Jacko and Carla (Cor’s girlfriend added) is a very fanatic and driven pigeon fancier!

2018 was another year with many sporting highlights!

The 1st NPO Bordeaux was won with their cock Carla’s surprise and this was good for the 7th National.

This cock was given this name because it was on Carla’s birthday that he won the 1st NPO!

And then of course the already legendary hen Lady Barcelona which in 2018 won the title GOLDEN BARCELONA PIGEON over the years 2016, 2017 & 2018.

An achievement that Gebr. Maas & Son can be immensely proud of it, after all it is not nothing to have the best Barcelona pigeon of the last 3 years in your loft and then to know that these have been 3 murderous Barcelona editions! Lady Barcelona is a grandchild of the famous Armstrong! 1e National Pau 2001 so you can see that it doesn’t come from a stranger!


An online photo and video impression of Gebr. Maas & Son.